Monday, July 29, 2024

He's a persistant lil bugger

It's no secret that Ashton is persistent, but in the last few days, he has demonstrated his ability to persist even in the face of opposition.  For example yesterday we locked the basement doors so he couldn't enter, but he was determined to get in.  So he decided to unscrew the drywall panels in the laundry room that had not yet been mudded so that he could get into the locked room.  Today he asked me to take him fishing, and he wanted to purchase a lure with money he had scrounged from his room.  While fishing he got the lure caught on something and while he only had the patience for fishing for a short time, he was persistent in problem-solving to get that lure back.  Let's hope all this problem-solving-persistence pays off positively very soon!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Officially taller then me!

 Ashton has officially overtaken me on the growth chart!  

This summer has gotten off to a rough start, but this past weekend we spent some great family time (just the 3 of us) in Deleware with our friends Jay and Kim Fogle, and some friends from my sister Lisa's 50th birthday party.  Ashton loved their dog Tess and we spent about 1.5 at the beach with some new friends Ashton made.

Lastly, Ms. Taylor sent me a family photograph from your maternal grandmother's side.