Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Positive Peer Pressure

Sometimes peer pressure can be a positive thing!  Ashton in the past has dabbled with small rides here and there, but for the most part, has avoided them.  He would go on the little roller coaster at Adventure Park, but when he went to Hershey Park he was too afraid to go on any of the big rides.  At the fair, he would go on all the kiddie rides and the fun house, but not on any larger rides.  Well, this month that changed.  We went to the Great Frederick Fair with two of his friends and he went on several of the larger rides.  I was super impressed!  He also brought home a little "gift" from the fair.   A goldfish.  I believe he named him George.  I thought for sure George would only last 24-48 hours.  So far is surpassing the odds and has been alive in our home for 1 full week!  Go, Ashton and Gerald!

Ashton, Steven, and Weyland at the Great Frederick Fair

He has also really taken a liking to BMX biking this month.  He has requested to go to the BMX pump track nearly every day.  He has gotten quite confident trying out new stunts.

He also has asked if we would sign him up for ice hockey.  We hope to, but we want to make sure the ice rink doesn't take our money and then cancel classes due to maintenance issues.  I'm so proud of him for wanting to try new things.

Of course, at home, he is always tinkering with something!  Leaving his trail behind him!

Lastly, I am happy to report that the majority of the teachers at school have had amazing things to say about Ashton this year!  He seems to be doing fantastic in Math this year!  

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