Saturday, March 1, 2025

Ashton's lil side kick

 It's no secret that Ashton is really good with little kids and our little neighbor Grayson is no exception!  It's absolutey adorable to see how much Grayson worships Ashton and how awesome Ashton is with him!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 Yesterday we got an encouraging note from Ashton's math teacher!  He has had a great year in Math!!!!  He has worked really hard to "catch up" with his grade level peers.  Needless to say we are very proud of him!


I just wanted to send out an email to let you know that Ashton has been doing fantastic in math this year.  He even just scored a 100% on one of the hardest tests that we will take all year.

He should be proud of his work, and I am excited to see how he does throughout the rest of the year.

Mr. Gaetani

Also it's not secret Ashton loves his bikes.  He loves riding them.  Taking them apart, putting them sometimes back together.  Well yesterday he created his own little "bike repair shop" in the shed.  He was so excited to show it off to me!  I was so proud of him!

Ashton's little bike repair shop!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Snow days!

We welcomed in the New Year with Katie and her family!

January gave Ashton the gift of two little snow storms back to back! He made snow forts, went snow skiing multiple times (even once with Daddy), created a snow ski bike, and did lots of sledding!  Needless to say, he loves the snow and has been a delighted boy!

Yesterday, he had his first "ski club" ski event at Liberty and adored it!  He skied from 3 p.m to 9 pm!!!! Even going on a black diamond trail for the first time!  He is already looking forward to next week! 

He also registered for his high school classes!  I can't believe our little boy is going to go to high school next year!!!!

Friday, December 27, 2024

December Download

 It's hard to believe 2024 is coming to a close!  Ashton has been very busy in December.  Of course, he continues to love riding his bike!  For Christmas, he received a new BMX bike!  He is very excited to try it out on our local bike park.  He continues to love to use power tools to create all types of things.  For Christmas, he even made his sister a desk Mr. Rick his birthfather also stopped by on Christmas Eve and dropped off a new Airsoft pistol.  Needless to say, he has been a very happy boy! H  Today Ashton is enjoying his first day of his Epic Snow pass, snowboarding with his buddy Nathan.

First day on the slopes!

Braving a cold day at Tree Trekkers

Ashton wanted to put Christmas lights on the house this year!

A little snow hike with my buddy

Santa, I've been very good!

Christmas Morning

A rare hug as a thank you for the handmade desk (in background)

Shooting his new airsoft pistol

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Parker and the bike

Ashton has a new little friend named Parker, with whom he loves to ride bikes downtown. It reminds me of my carefree bike-riding days from the 1980s. In some ways, this is great because it gives Ashton some freedom, gets him out moving instead of sitting behind a screen, and gives him socialization. However, it also comes with some risks.  This month Ashton and Parker got jumped and threatened with a knife with a knife by a group of local middle school students.  The police were called, and apparently, this group has had several situations like this in the downtown area.  Ashton and Parker were able to identify the leader of the gang via a photograph so hopefully, the cop could work with the school resource officer at the local middle school to prevent this from happening again!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Loves to take things apart

 October flew by! Ashton continues to love to take things apart, figure out how things work, build things, etc. I feel like the last several weeks have been all about bicycles: building bicycles, taking apart bicycles, attempting to repair bicycles,  moding bicycles, building ramps for bicycles, etc.  Additionally Ashton has made some new friends in the neighborhood near Daddy's karate and has spent many happy hours riding his bicycle.  Additionally he has really enjoyed biking at a local skate/bike park nearby.  He has really gained a lot of confidence.  I was hoping to post a picture, but I only have videos!

School has been good for the most part.  Ashton has struggled with one particular teacher this quarter, but thankfully his school counselor was able to come up with a plan to help him be more successful!  Here's his school pic which unfortunately he dislikes!

Personifies Ashton to a tee!

2024-25 School Picture

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Positive Peer Pressure

Sometimes peer pressure can be a positive thing!  Ashton in the past has dabbled with small rides here and there, but for the most part, has avoided them.  He would go on the little roller coaster at Adventure Park, but when he went to Hershey Park he was too afraid to go on any of the big rides.  At the fair, he would go on all the kiddie rides and the fun house, but not on any larger rides.  Well, this month that changed.  We went to the Great Frederick Fair with two of his friends and he went on several of the larger rides.  I was super impressed!  He also brought home a little "gift" from the fair.   A goldfish.  I believe he named him George.  I thought for sure George would only last 24-48 hours.  So far is surpassing the odds and has been alive in our home for 1 full week!  Go, Ashton and Gerald!

Ashton, Steven, and Weyland at the Great Frederick Fair

He has also really taken a liking to BMX biking this month.  He has requested to go to the BMX pump track nearly every day.  He has gotten quite confident trying out new stunts.

He also has asked if we would sign him up for ice hockey.  We hope to, but we want to make sure the ice rink doesn't take our money and then cancel classes due to maintenance issues.  I'm so proud of him for wanting to try new things.

Of course, at home, he is always tinkering with something!  Leaving his trail behind him!

Lastly, I am happy to report that the majority of the teachers at school have had amazing things to say about Ashton this year!  He seems to be doing fantastic in Math this year!