Monday, August 29, 2022


 It is with great sadness that Ashton's first dog love Austin the beagle left the earth on Friday August 26th around 7:20 pm.  Ashton was an awesome helper at the vet, helping and supporting me as we got the business side of the process taken care of.  I was so proud of how brave he was in the midst of such sadness.  

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Middle School!!!!

 Last week Ashton began his new adventure at New Market Middle School.  He has been super excited about the change!  I am excited for him. I hope he makes lots of new friends and enjoys having many different teachers and being able to move more often from class to class.

I've also noticed in his backpack some of his first week of school get-to-know-you/self-concept/identity papers that have come home.  This one cracked me up.  He does have a lot of brothers and sisters so that is so awesome that he takes ownership of that, but he said he has 13 siblings-10 sisters and 3 brothers.  As of today, he has 11 siblings-6 brothers and 5 sisters!

I also must say how impressed I am with Ashton's building skills.  Once again without any help from Olav or me, he put together his IKEA bookshelf and put together the new module dresser I bought him.  He really is amazing!  I really do wonder how he will put these skills to good use in the future.

Friday, August 5, 2022

July flew by!

 Hard to believe it's already August and I posted nothing for July.  Ashton has had a great summer camp experience at Camp Monocacy at Walkersville Recreation Center.  We are so grateful that he had such a wonderful experience.  Two weeks of July was dedicated to ABA therapy at Kennedy Kreiger Institute.  Ashton was a good sport as the the therapist trained us how to create more structure and support for Ashton at home.  While we are still working out the kinks, things definitely have improved overall.

Hard to believe that in a week and half Ashton will be going into middle school!