Sunday, December 23, 2018

And baby makes 9!

Ashton's 9th sibling was born on Friday Dec. 21st at 11:09 a.m.  Noelle Charlotte.  6lbs 7 oz 18 3/4 inches long. She's in the NICU right now to have a little help breathing, as she inhaled some fluid on the way out and it got in her lungs, but she seems to be doing well.

So now Ashton has:

Lily Gjerde
Stian Gjerde Jones
Fredrik Gjerde Jones
Aiden Lane
Ethan Lane
Annabelle Sines
Arianna Best
Paisley LaRuffo
Noelle LaRuffo

That's a lot of siblings!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Beat the toaster

I've never been one for rituals or traditions, but Ashton and I have a little tradition this year that I have really enjoyed!  Most days when we drive to school between 7:30-8:00, on the radio station 91.9 WTGS, a call in game called Beat the Toaster comes on.  The objective is to name 5 things of the topic in 10 seconds (or before the toaster dings).  Usually the topics are things such as things you put on a Christmas tree, types of cars etc...We love playing this game together in the car!!!  Ashton is always asking put on 91.9 mom!