Friday, January 26, 2024

Another half sibling!

 On January 9, 2024,  Mr. Rick and his wife Tiana welcomed another baby boy!  Cillilan Lane on Jan 9th, 2024.  I believe this little addition means Ashton has 5 siblings through Ms. Taylor, 4 siblings through Mr. Rick, and 3 siblings through our family, equally a grand total of 12 siblings!  So he is one of 13!!!!!  He doesn't seem to care at the moment, but maybe one day he will!

Just an aside, last night I was overseeing Ashton doing some make-up work for Art class and he had to fill out a self-reflection form.  One of the questions was on a scale from 1-10  how creative are you and why?  I don't think he wanted me to see it, but he rated himself an 8, and said because my mom always says how creative I am!  Loved it!!!!!