Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Fall Fun

We had a fun filled October.  Lot's of fun camping trips with friends, pumpkin patch, and Halloween fun.

Pumpkin Patch with Garrett, Arianna, Michael, and Chloe

Beginning the disection

The finished product

Halloween with Ms. Hancock's 2nd grade class

Trick or Treating with our friends, Keagan, Garrett, and Michael

Steve from Minecraft

Always climbing the walls both literally and figuratively!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

A first time for everything

First, let me say that Ashton has improved greatly since the summer.  He still has his moments, but they seems to have decreased in frequency.  We believe it has to do with a new medication we added to his ADHD repertoire called Intuiv, which can't be crushed up, but swallowed whole.  Ashton embraced swallowing a pill with little drama.  It took him a few tries, but he finally got it.  Hopefully this will make managing his ADHD in the future a little easier.  Of course I also pray that he will not use his newly learned skill for bad things either as he grows up!

His teacher reports that overall he is doing well in school and she enjoys having him in her class.  He seems quite happy, which makes a mama's heart happy too!

Ashton will be starting Parkour classes next week.  He's been asking for months!  I hope he likes it!