Hard to believe it's already the middle of Sept. Where does that time go? Ashton is just a little over 5 months! He is so big!!! He still eats about every two hours. He continues my all time favorite baby squeals. If only I could bottle them forever. He squeals all the time, including the middle of the night and early in the morning when he is happy to see us! He is such a easy going happy baby! The only time he really cries is as if he is really hungry or super tired. People compliment him on his temperament all time! I hope this is fortelling of his future tempermant.
He has become quite adjusted to eating rice cereal now...and very frequently wants to try to control the spoon:). He also continues to sleep through the night intermittently. Mostly every other night give or take some.
I finally got a few pics of him smiling...it's so hard, because even though he smiles and laughs all the time, when I have the camera on him, all he wants to do is stare at the bright orange light...
He is getting super strong. He is great at holding his head up, loves to be on his tummy now, rolls himself over, and has begun to scoot backwards while on his tummy. I can sense mobility is right around the corner! We are in big trouble!