So hard to believe the little bubba turns 3 tommorow! I have so loved these past 3 years! I love the funny things he says and does. I love his vocabulary. His mannerisms. There is just something really precious about a 2 year old mimicking the world around him his words and actions (except of course when he is mimicking his sister's temper tantrams...then of course...he is so not cute)
Some of my favorites...."Lily stop irritating me" "Daddy are you going to see some clients?" "I want to supervise you."
We had a joint birthday party for him at the pool with Lily. The birthday party was a hit. Ashton's best bud Michael was there to celebrate.
He continues to love being outdoors. It doesn't matter what the weather is....he ALWAYS wants to be outside!!!!
He also continues to eat us out of house and home! This is a kid who loves to eat!!! He especially loves strawberries, blueberries, and go-go applesauces. He also loves liver pate. Go figure. At least for the most part he likes healthy foods. He doesn't seem to care for cakes or candy bars too much...many times he can take it or leave it...I wish I was like that!
Lastly how could I forget his latest obsession with Diego (from Dora and Diego). He loves everything Diego. He wanted a Diego cake. He wears his Diego shirt, underwear and hat with great pride. He even refers to himself often as Diego!