Tuesday, February 19, 2019

This boy!

This boy loves to make forts out of anything!!!  One day it might be all the rolls of toilet paper from Costco, the next day it's some other unique creation using whatever he can find!

This boy loves to climb.  He will climb anything.  Poles in buildings, trees, furniture, ladders, cars etc.  If it can be scaled, Ashton will try to scale it!

This boy loves his you tube.  He loves to watch you tube videos, andmake you tube videos.  Hours and hours of watching people do silly things.

This boy loves his dog.  Although sometimes he tortures Austin, his heart is truly for his dog.  It won't surprise me one day if he has his own dog to take camping and hiking.

The boy loves his friends.  He ALWAYS wants to have a friend over!!!!!

He started on a new medicine regime and Olav and I are early optimistic that he seems to be less volitaile and a little happier.

Next weekend is his last weekend of basketball with Upward and it's been really fun to watch him improve! He is really good a defense!