Sunday, January 30, 2022

So proud of this boy!

 One of the things I have really want for Ashton this year is larger circle of friends to play with and new experiences, so he can expand his proverbial tent pegs.  I was really hoping with going to a new school he would make some new connections, and even though he has some acquaintances, the one kid whom he really connected with moved away.  So I must say, I was super proud of him when he decided to go to an overnight winter camp even though none of his current friends group was going.  He went to a 2 night camp called Camp Elder, sponsored by the PA Church of the Brethren.  Overall, he seemed happy with the experience.  He enjoyed sledding, playing gaga ball, and loved telling me about the history about the old chapel on the hill.  Not sure if he would want to go again, but I am so proud of him for trying it!

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A very Covid Christmas and Happy New Year

 Christmas break was bit of a bummer for Ashton.  He was so looking forward to seeing his buddy Aaron Michael and he got to see him for one day, before Lily tested positive for Covid which totally wrecked our plans, but we made the best of it.  For Christmas he got the one and only gift he had been wanting and Oculus Quest Virtual Reality gaming system, so he was a happy boy.  Thankfully, our neighbors kids had recently had Covid go through their homes, so they were agreeable to let Ashton play with them thank goodness!  Poor Ashton was climbing the walls for sure!  Not sure if he had Covid or not, thankfully on Christmas day he was 2 weeks past the official vaccination period!  So he was definitely the most protected.


On New Years Eve, after the CDC changed their guidelines for Covid exposure, we met the Best family and Taylor's gaggle of kids along with some other friends at the local Wegmans.  It took Ashton a while to warm up to his siblings, but after about 30-40 minutes they finally enjoyed one another's company.  Plus we got to meet Ashton's newest sibling Eli.  After Wegman's, we headed to Katie's house to enjoy the company of some other friends!