Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 Yesterday we got an encouraging note from Ashton's math teacher!  He has had a great year in Math!!!!  He has worked really hard to "catch up" with his grade level peers.  Needless to say we are very proud of him!


I just wanted to send out an email to let you know that Ashton has been doing fantastic in math this year.  He even just scored a 100% on one of the hardest tests that we will take all year.

He should be proud of his work, and I am excited to see how he does throughout the rest of the year.

Mr. Gaetani

Also it's not secret Ashton loves his bikes.  He loves riding them.  Taking them apart, putting them sometimes back together.  Well yesterday he created his own little "bike repair shop" in the shed.  He was so excited to show it off to me!  I was so proud of him!

Ashton's little bike repair shop!