Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happiness is baby squeals!

What a joy Ashton is! He is currently 3.5 months. He is getting so big! He continues to eat ALL the time (about every 2 hours)! Olav and I were saying at this rate he is going to be 7 feet tall:)

He had earned the nickname baby bobble head, for his adorable head bobs, but now his head is getting so much stronger I don't think he will be baby bobble head for too much longer!

He recently moved out of the basinett in our room and into his crib in his own room. The transition was much easier than anticipated thanks to daddy doing it while Lily and I were at the beach.

My ultimate favorite right now is the baby squeals. Ashton starts each day so happy and full of joy...he is frequently squealing and giggling with delight!

Ashton has found his hands and fingers and can occassionally self soothe himself by jamming his fist into his mouth!

The past two nights Ashton has slept through the entire night. From 9-5 the first night and 8-4 the second night. This evening though he could barely keep his eyes open at 7 p.m. so hopefully this string of nights continues!

He is also very close to rolling over...I can no longer put him on the bed and trust that he will stay in the same position!

So far baby A is such an easy going child. Being the 2nd child with a much older sibling, he frequently gets dragged around to wherever big sister Lily is...but he handles in for the most part with grace! I pray this is fortelling of a calm and easy going personality:)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for a full night's sleep! Every once in a while Rudy will call someone baby bobble head!
