Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Turning a corner?

It is no secret that Ashton has had a difficult kindergarten year.  He's been in counseling, seen a pediatrician, gone to mental health nurse practitioner.  I've been to IEP screening meetings, Behavior Intervention plan meetings, consulted with outside sources to try to help him be more successful at both home and school.

Despite all that,  the last few days we have received excellent reports from his teacher!   

From last Friday

I wanted to give you an update from this week. At the beginning of the week Ashton did more works but still wandered and refused directions. But by the end of the week Ashton complied with ALL directions (except toward the very end of the day). He did big works without any breaks. He simply sat and worked. When I said on Thursday that it was time to restore he actually got upset because he had just started a work!

From Today

Last week we would review his visual card of big works and I would ask him if he needed breaks. This week has been the same. Following most if not all instructions, completing big works without any breaks or interrupting others. He is going from work to work seamlessly. The only difference is this week he has told me he does not need his visuals and he hasn't.  He went straight to the reading area then got right to work. He was so proud of his work today he asked me to send you a picture of it!

Even today he said to me in the car, "Mommy, I kinda of like school now."  Wow, really?  Did I hear that correctly? I asked him, "Ashton what changed?".  He said, "I just decided to do work!" 

I hope we have turned a corner!  That would be such an answer to prayer!!!!

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